Dedicated to my family & friends

Dedicated to my family & friends


Ain't she the little wuttle uttle wittle uittle tiny adorable cutest honey boney hunny bunny woootiest kitty everrrr?

She IS for me :D


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww.... so kewt!

I r haz to pinch herrrr

Dorothy said...

Haha. This morning whole cleaning up the room, I accidentally stepped on her paw. Then she went "miiewww!"
aHAHAHha ;p

Anonymous said...

Awwww, hahahahaha! Kesian Gothic. So small, how to see? XDD

Dorothy said...

Hahaha...Yeah lah. Squall's head is Violet Red

Who's that girl?

Who's that girl?
She looks so...fineee. LOL. jk ;)

Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ♥

I've been told that I don't smile a lot. I've been told I'm too sensitive. I've been told I'm not the best. I've been told I'm unpredictable. I've been told I'm obsessive. I've been told I'm too jealous. I've been told I broke too many hearts. I've been told that I'm a coward. I've been told that I'm not open minded. I've been told that I'm a bitch. I've been told that (.....)

DAMN, yikes man! There are so many things you don't know about me. And yet your like judging a book by its cover. But oh wells, I get that a lot and your right, I should probably smile a lot. :DDDDD.

I'm trying to forget about the past. Trying not to look back. And now, I'm striving for the future. Cheers to that! *cheerssss*

Till then, TTFN :)

I say Marco , You say Polo. MARCO!